
Friday, December 17, 2010

Thoughts on Husbands

After Dallin had miraculously fixed my Chi last night, I got to thinking. How do they know how to do these things? I mean, how often does one (who has never worked as an electrician) have the opportunity to splice wires and reconnect cut cords? Where do they acquire these skills? Is there some Husband School in which they all learn this stuff?
How do they all know how to use saws and build things? How come they can look under a sink at the mess of pipes and know what is wrong? How can they take things apart and rebuild them when they have been broken? What is the gene that allows them to do these things and why am I, a housewife, lacking in this gene?
All I can say is that I am so thankful to have a handy-man around the house. It sure saves a lot on repairmen and replacements and I LOVE watching him work!!!


  1. Glad your back- we all need a break now and then and this time of year life is soo busy but I enjoy catching up with you this way! I also wonder how when I ask my husband a "technical" question how is it he knows not only the answer but can also explain it to me- glad to hear the Chi was fixable- I shed a tear for you!

  2. I am missing the same gene Tam;)

  3. Phew!!! Gotta love the Handy Hubby - I really appreciate mine as well. They make something awful into something wonderful:)
